October 20 – 26, 2014
Marina Bay | Singapore
The first Maritime RobotX Challenge took place at the Marina Bay in Singapore. With 15 teams representing Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and the United States of America.
Final Standings
1st Place ($20,000): Olin College / MIT
2nd Place ($15,000): KAIST
3rd Place ($12,000): Queensland University of Technology
4th Place ($8,000): Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
5th Place ($7,000): National University of Singapore
6th Place ($6,000): Osaka University
Land-Based Judging
1st Place ($5,000): Florida Atlantic University / Villanova University
2nd Place ($3,000): Olin College / MIT
3rd Place ($2,000): Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Best Website
($1,000): Florida Atlantic University / Villanova University
($1,000): KAIST
Best Paper
($1,000): Olin College / MIT
($1,000): Queensland University of Technology
Best Design Presentation
($1,000): Florida Atlantic University / Villanova University
Special Awards
Early Submission ($500): National University of Singapore
Highest Qualifying Score ($500): National University of Singapore
Disaster Recovery ($500): Singapore University of Technology & Design
Persistence in the Face of Adversity ($500): Nanyang Technical University
Humanitarian Award: Aid of University of Tokyo ($500): Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Fastest Speed Gate ($500): Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Open Source Award ($500): Olin College / MIT
Technical Band-Aid for Helping SUTD ($500): Olin College / MIT
Learning the Difference Between Theory and Practice ($500): Florida Atlantic University / Villanova University
Innovation / Environmental Monitoring Award ($500): Queensland University of Technology
Drag Race Winner: Fast, Friendly, Fearless and Fashionable ($500): The University of Newcastle
Using Boat for Teaching Hydrodynamics and Sandbar Research ($500): Flinders University / University of Tasmania
Innovation Award: Airblowing Lens Cleaner, Ultrasonics Use ($500): Tokyo Institute of Technology
Positive Energy in All Things – Exceptional ‘WA’ ($500): Osaka University
Never Giving Up, Getting in the Water ($500): University of Tokyo
Lessons Learned: The Real World Differs from the Laboratory ($500): Seoul National University
2nd Highest Qualifying Round ($500): KAIST
Consistency in Task 5 ($500): KAIST
Breaking Academic Boundaries ($500): University of Ulsan
Moving into New Areas of Study ($500): University of Ulsan
Lessons Learned: The Real World is Different from the Laboratory ($500): Seoul National University
Highest Score in the Qualifying Rounds ($500): National University of Singapore
Photo Gallery
Video Gallery
Congratulations to all the 2014 teams!
A special thank you to the 2014 Maritime RobotX Challenge volunteers, judges & sponsors that made this event possible.