RobotX Presentations
2017 Maritime RobotX Forum | Sydney, Australia
Speakers: KAIST, Queensland University of Technology, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, University of Sydney
Leading up to the Maritime RobotX Forum in December 2017, a Call for Papers was sent out to past RoboNation competitors. After going through a judging round, these four students represented the top papers.
Hear students from the following schools present their submitted papers:
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (S. Korea)
"Coastal SLAM with Marine Radar for USV Operation in GPS-Restricted Situations"
Queensland University of Technology (Australia)
"High-Fidelity WAM-V Simulator for the Maritime RobotX Challenge"
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (United States)
"Efficient LiDAR Based Object Segmentation and Mapping for Maritime Environments"
University of Sydney (Australia)
"Adaptive Path Planning of Dynamic Tidal Fronts in the Presence of Spatio-Temporal Heteroscedastic Noise"