robotx team with wam-v

Welcome Evaluators

Thank you for supporting the future of RobotX!


To encourage participation from new teams, RoboNation intends to award a limited number of the WAM-V platforms to teams that commit to participate in this and future Maritime RobotX Challenges and Forums.  Application guidelines can be found here.

We anticipate that it may take approximately 30 minutes to an hour to comprehensively read and evaluate each application. The evaluator reconciliation meeting will be used to discuss and finalize scores, comments to teams and awards.

Let’s get started:

  1. Review application criteria
  2. Download proposals
  3. Complete an evaluation form for each proposal

If you have any questions, contact Janelle Curtis. Thank you for your time!

Important Dates

Evaluator Assignments

Carter, Will

#5: Istanbul Technical University


#9: Libera Universita di Bolzano


#11: National Taiwan University


#12: Olympic College


#15: Team Inspiration


#22: Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru



Cooper, Kelly

#1: City University of HongKong


#2: Flinders University


#4: Harokopio University of Athens


#11: National Taiwan University


#16: Texas A&M University at Qatar


#21: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile



Davidson, Daryl

#6: James Cook University


#9: Libera Universita di Bolzano


#10: Nanyang Technological University


#17: The University of Queensland


#18: University of South Australia


#19: University of Technology Sydney


#20: University of Western Australia



Dell, Tim

#3: George Mason University


#5: Istanbul Technical University


#8: Lake Superior State University


#14: Shanghai Jiao Tong University


#21: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile



Evans, Brad

#3: George Mason University


#4: Harokopio University of Athens


#8: Lake Superior State University


#12: Olympic College


#14: Shanghai Jiao Tong University


#15: Team Inspiration



Jones, Anthony

#2: Flinders University


#4: Harokopio University of Athens


#6: James Cook University


#10: Nanyang Technological University


#13: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology


#18: University of South Australia


Konek, Chris

#2: Flinders University


#6: James Cook University


#8: Lake Superior State University


#13: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology


#16: Texas A&M University at Qatar


#22: Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru



Qaiyumi, Aamir

#1: City University of HongKong


#7: Korea Maritime and Ocean University


#17: The University of Queensland


#19: University of Technology Sydney


#20: University of Western Australia


#22: Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru



Siwek, Martina

#5: Istanbul Technical University


#9: Libera Universita di Bolzano


#12: Olympic College


#18: University of South Australia


#19: University of Technology Sydney


#20: University of Western Australia



Tepaske, Marcus

#7: Korea Maritime and Ocean University


#11: National Taiwan University


#13: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology


#14: Shanghai Jiao Tong University


#17: The University of Queensland


#21: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile



Webber, Russ

#1: City University of HongKong


#3: George Mason University


#7: Korea Maritime and Ocean University


#10: Nanyang Technological University


#15: Team Inspiration


#16: Texas A&M University at Qatar



Alban, Michael

#6: James Cook University


#13: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

  #17: The University of Queensland
  #18: University of South Australia
  #19: University of Technology Sydney
  #20: University of Western Australia



Any questions or uncertainty of the next step, email Janelle Curtis!

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